Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Curl Crave 
"Everything You Need to Know About What This CURLY head CRAVES"

   Like my video says.. The summer is O-V-E-R! It's time to say goodbye to the days at the pool and the beach! I have to say... overall I had an AMAZING summer! My favorite summer memory? I have way too many to count, but I did love spending nights with my man by the pool and going on day time adventures. Thank GOD I had a fantastic labor day weekend in the Hamptons, but it's time to get real... School is about to start  and the weather is gunna be NOT SO CUTE. I'm going to try to stay positive though. To my Ladies- if you have someone or something in your life that has your thong crawling up the crack of your a$$...SAY GOODBYE! There is no need to enter the school year with anything driving you crazy! To my Fellas- if you haven't already it's time to get a J-mutha fuggin-O-B...you men need to start saving up money for Hanukka and Christmas.
   I'm most excited for Fashion Night Out this week. It's going to be SO MUCH FUN. Head over to fashionsnightout.com and the website will help you to plan out your night. I know Shervin and I are super excited and have a lot planned out. I have the most outrageous outfit picked out and we have our parties lined up for the night. IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING THIS YEAR! Get pumped up! We will be taking photos and videos of the night. So make sure you stop by the site to see our footage. 
  My obsession this week is Michelle Phillips. She is most famous for being a singer/songwritter and a member of The Mamas & The Papas. She was the ultimate sunshine, beach hippie. She was gorgeous and not a BIG BIMBO like most singers today. To get her look try wearing a rock n roll band t-shirt with shorts and a barret. Check out a photo of her bellow.

Alright people.. That's all for me this week!! Make sure you are following us and I'll see you same time, same place, next week.



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Alicia said...

Charlotte ur freaking awesome! i loved the pink/red outfit. and the white top, no bra.. classic! haha

LANZ said...

charlotte, you're adorable

Milica Lubardic said...

This blog is great! I had enjoyed this post...every single word!
see you soon

Fabrizia Spinelli said...

Cool post! I appreciate it! Come back soon to visit my blog, I'll be waiting for you!!

Cosa mi metto???

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