Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shoes of the Month

I realize that a lot of the blog has tips for women's fashion, so I wanted to dedicate this post to my boys. These are the shoes you need to be wearing this month! Not only are they extremely sharp, they are also very convenient. You can wear them with anything. If you happen to scratch them up, it's all good...the rough and tough look is IN! 

Hope you men learned something!
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Fabrizia Spinelli said...

Cool shoes, I like it for a man! So elegant! Come back soon to visit my blog, I'll be waiting for you!!

Cosa mi metto???

Magnólia Barbosa said...

love the second one. old shoes rocks!
my inspiration comes the man style.
nice blog!
thanks for your words in it up!

The PvdH Journal said...

I think this will also go to some of us girls. I LOVE men's shoes! In fact, some of my favourite pair are from Church's (brogues et al).

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