Sunday, September 18, 2011


   Here is my good friend Hiro Tha Jap.... He is literally KILLING the underground DJ Scene!  Facing Immigration charges, Hiro is CLOSE TO getting expedited out of America.(PIG ALERT)
   "Well I am still facing deportation... I'm disappointed at how my six years of "last samurai in NYC" life concluding cause it was just never easy for me...(I wish I were a jap girl, not a dude, I'd have been married with 900,000,000 green-cards by now!) But I'm just trying be positive, trying do my best while I'm here, so I can have something to bring back home. Maybe its better If I don't mention  my case cause it might make ppl sad?
  Besides the Tokyo scene, I'm planning to do London and Paris while I'm banned from USA till 2022. Maybe this happened for a reason? I don't Know. Anyways I have court in December. I doubt I'd fall in true love with an american woman in three month though.
 But I have that someone special in my life though. Its just that we  ain't together now and she's young and building her international career... Maybe I'll get to see her in Paris? #Positivethinking
 My life has gone international Running style since my age of 15, so I'm damn sure I won't be wasting such a precious blessing for BS.
   What can I say, Life tends to be like, CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL......END ,I rather "KILL Control"." 

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Isabella France Jarsmer Mathiesen said...

I love how you are taking pictures.

Ilse said...

Wow, that really sucks :( but indeed, these things often happen for a reason.. Although it's extremely hard most of the time. Faced some stuff like that in my life as well but looking back it has always made me stronger. Good luck to your friend, keeping my fingers crossed!

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