Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Curl Crave 
"Everything You Need to Know About What This CURLY head CRAVES"

  My people! How are you?! I'm feeling really shitty today. I guess it's that time of the month? That is probably TOO MUCH INFORMATION, but Sorry. I don't keep anything to myself anymore. I'm not going to be talking about fashion today.. at least I don't think I am. I am going to ramble. I'm going to just tell you what's going on with me. I have been wearing wigs around my apartment again and I know things are bad when that happens. The photos above are 4 of like 100 photos I took in the black wig. I'm just sick of myself and the wigs help me pretend I'm someone else. Don't you ever wish you were someone else, living somewhere else, doing something else? That's how I feel today. 
 I just finished reading the book Go Ask Alice. The book is about the torture and hell of adolescence. The author, who is anonymous, swings between optimism and despair (boy can I relate). The book really captures the insanity of a drug user and how cunning and baffling drugs and alcohol can be. Maybe I need to start reading more uplifting books? The author of the diary is said to have overdosed and died at the end of the book. NO HAPPY ENDING. But are there ever any happy endings in the world? And if there are.. does it last for more than 5 minutes? Blah Blah Blah
 Quick story... Last night I was driving to go meet my boyfriend, Shervin, for Pink Berry and I got stuck behind a garbage truck for like 25 minutes. I was literally right behind the garbage men as they lifted and threw each black garbage bag into the truck and I couldn't help but ask one of the men if he realized how ridiculous it was that they wouldn't just let ME get by. Ironically the song You Can't Always Get What You Want was playing on the radio and of course it made me even more upset. Didn't they know that I had somewhere to be? Didn't they know I had a plan to meet my boyfriend? NO THEY DIDN'T KNOW. THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND ME. Unfortunetly.. I didn't get what I wanted...and I didn't get pinkberry. I did however get to see how impatient and crazy I am. Thank God I have such a forgiving boyfriend... that's all I will say. 
 It doesn't stop though...today I woke up even more vicious than last night. Will I ever stop being a monster in the morning? It's one thing when I'm by myself and I could just give myself the silent treatment until I get food and listen to It's a Beautiful Day by U2, but when I'm with my friends, family, or boyfriend its beyond embarressing when they say good morning and I growl like an angry dog. Im thinking I may have to start sleeping with food under my pillow or something. Who knows? That could get really messy. 
 I think this is about as far as I'll go before I start telling you too much.  

Will the real Charlotte Cutler please stand up?

Come back next Tuesday for a real dose of Curl Crave.



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yiqin; said...

awesome photos :)


thank you SO much for your nice comment ! :) you made my day!
I'm so happy that you like my blog.

And answering to your question - I'm a photographer, but I dont take photos of myself. Photos of my outfits are taken by my friends, my boyfriend and sometimes by my family ;) But I often show photos of my friends which are taken by me! For example the photoshoot "you can awake" was taken by me :)

with lots of love,


Cool hair!

Mes Voyages à Paris
Street & Personal Style

Rudi said...

Hi, thanks for comment :) The photos of shoes aren't mine - I wrote about this on my blog :) The photos are inspiration to me, I found them on soup.io and tumblr.com. The photos where is girl with red hair - these are my and I'm the red girl :)

Rudi :)

Karoline Kalvø said...

I'm so in love with your blog, too. Always so much great inspiration and candy for my eyes through beautiful photos. LOVEEEE IT.

Lots of love
Karoline Kalvo

Sarah Mendelsohn said...

charlotte 'curl crave' cutler thanks so much for your comment. we totally go to the same school. i recognize you and really like all your clothes. maybe we could be blogger turned real life friends. loving the wig!

xx sarah

Juli Photo Diary said...

Hello darling! Thank u so much for your lovely comment!
It makes me feel sooo happy!

Your blog is wonderful, Im following now!


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